Page name: Undead Zoo! BLOOPERS! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-08-06 02:04:00
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Welcome to Undead Zoo! Bloopers!

Tackle Fail

David: "And tackle!" *goes to tackle the Jerk but instead tackles Loki* Ooops..sooo sorry. >////>

Jerk a.k.a Extra: Pffft hahaha!! *topples over laughing*

Kbird or Me: CUT!! NO, NO, NO!! Bad David!

Loki: DAVID! That hurt! *sniffles with tears in his eyes*

David: Ehh, so-sorry. *gets off and offers hand* I'll try better... Are you okay?

Loki: *sniffles and nods* Yeah.

Me: Where's Drake...we need someone to look ya over.

Drake: Right here~ How's the little mouse?

Loki: *eyes Drake nervously* I'm alright, I promise.

Drake: Looks like it's just a few superficial scrapes~ Nothing to fret about! *hands him some disinfectant*

Loki: Thanks. *takes the disinfectant*


Loki: I said I was ok David. *winces as he uses the disinfectant*

Drake: *normal voice* He'll be fine, David. e____e *to Kbird* Did I get the voice right? The script said something about a "hissing lilt" and I've been practicing all day.

Me: Perfect. ^-^

David: *hugs and spins Loki* I'm sooo relived!!!

Loki: AH! *laughs as he's spinned*

Jace: Y'know, we were supposed ta finish up shootin' this scene in 'bout half an hour... *gestures to clock*

David: Ahhh~ Sorry. Okay I'll try again.

Loki: Then you should put me down.

Actor problems

Yuki jumps in front of the Zomdog to defend the cat. "Ba-!" *gets grabbed by Haniko* Huh? Haniko what are you doing?!

Haniko: I missed you!! I can't wait for the Rpg! I want to play with you now~!!

Yuki: But I was just talking to you five minutes ago.

Haniko: That's tooo long~!

Luki: ^-^; Haniko, dear. Let go of your brother...hehe.

Haniko: But Papa..

Luki: Sweetie, you're ruining the shot... I think Kira's fallen asleep!

Yuki: Oh no! You heard Dad, Haniko.

Haniko: *sigh* Okay~!

Luki: ...Well it's already ruined~ GROUP HUG!!! *hugs Yuki & Haniko*

Me: =____= Cut~

Real Life Interference

Jace: "Y'know--" *cell phone rings* >____> *picks up cell phone* Yo, Brook! :D .... What d'ya mean, "Pick up the dog, or sell it?" :/ .... "Tom's allergic?" Who the f*ck is Tom?! >:/ ..... You can't just move someone in! It's my house! And where's he gonna stay, Cammie's room? .......... =o= *just realized that was a stupid question*

Anabell: *grabs phone* =____= We're busy shooting, please call back later. *click* JACE TURN Ya FRICKIN PHONE OFF!!

Kbird: Anna! That could've been important!

Jace: *sputters a bit* YA JUST HUNG UP ON BROOK! D:

Anabell: Ooops~. Ya can call 'er back after the shot.

Kbird: She's just jealous.

*phone rings again*

Jace: *gives Kbird a pleading look*

Kbird: *not sure*

Kira: ^-^ Family's important, go ahead and answer.

Jace: :D *answers phone* Yo, Brook! .... I'm not sellin' him. ...... My apartment doesn't allow animals, what am I supposed ta do? .......... =______________= I just said, I'm not sellin' him. ........... Seriously? ..... I'll ask Mark or somethin'. ..... No, I'm not signin' anythin'. ....... Y'know I only answer my cell for you, so go ahead! Give my number to as many lawyers as ya want! ........ e___________e Leave Cammie outta this.

Anabell: >__> *walks a bit away*

Kbird: *pretends like she's not hearing anything*

Jace: Fine, I'll pick up the dog later. .... No, I can't do it now. ........ 'Cause I'm workin'! ........ Well, I get paid, don't I? >:/

Kbird: Five more minutes Jace... >__>

Jace: I gotta go. ..... No, I can't get the dog right now! ..... I'm on the set! ....... I'll pick him up when I get Cammie tonight. ...... Good-- ..... Goodbye! ......... I said goodbye! *shuts phone* ....I'm gonna pay for that later. >_____>

Anabell: Lollipop? *offers lollipop*

Jace: Nah. Let's just get this done before she decides to sell the dog anyways. =o=

David: I'm not shooting. Want me to pick it up for you?

Anabell: On your motorcycle?

David: Naahh I took the mustang.

Jace: Y'sure? He's a St. Bernard.

David: Hmmm...well I'm getting new seat covers anyway. *shrug*

Jace: Alright, thanks, David. :) Now all I gotta do is ask Mark if he minds boardin' him for a bit.... After the shoot, of course!

Kbird: Right! back to shooting!

Real training!

Location: training grounds.

David: *Hits tree after Jace sidestepped his hug* D*** it!! that hurt! *Turns around holding bloody nose* F***! I couldn't stop in time.

Ceil: Blo-bl-blood...~ *looks sick as he runs off*

Debbie: O.o Was that supposed to happen?

Jace: Sh*t! Ya ok, David? Lemme see if it's broken...

David: No, no, it fine...ohhhh sh** I hope doesn't look all f**ked up for my date!

Jace: e__e She's seen ya lookin' worse. Usually in stage make-up, but still. Can someone come and set it or somethin'?

*medic comes on and looks at Davids nose. "Good nose its not broken!"*

Jace: See? No crooked-nose for your date with Maniko.


Note: Kbird is way too cheap to hire actors and camera people so she has the actors and her family be camera people.

In this scene Blaze and Desmond are the camera men.

Blaze: *whispering so only the camera and Desmond can hear him* Oh..Oh no....Don't do it David...A ghost goin ta come and whack up this training course in like ten seconds!

Desmond: Op well you warned him...Oh here comes Momma wolf~

Blaze: I see some trainees that are gonna be scarred for life~!

Desmond: Wow...check out Jace~ Someone's been working out~

Blaze: Probably blowing off steam from being ignored by Red for so long~

Desmond: He's too good for her anyway....Mmmm. Look that tight little butt~

Blaze: Pffft. I so want a piece of that~

Desmond: Pfft hehaha....Come 'ere sexy boy~

Blaze: Now, now if we keep this up we might make David jealous......his so going to be mine...that little weakling~

Anabell: WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!!! We could hear you this entire time!

Desmond: O.O Oh...umm..That wasn't us. Blaine been talking whack about you guys, a-and we were just defending you, so he turned around and started hitting on some of you guys!

Jace: I dun care who it is! Just shut up! >.<

Desmond: D***, you aren't even blushing yet! XD

Jace: Aren't ya supposed ta be filmin' this scene? Commentary is the director's job!

Blaze: Hey it spices things up, pffft hehaha.. Mr. Cute butt!!

Jace: =_________________________=

Anabell: =___= You know...this gun isn't just for show~

David: >:D Funny, neither is mine!

Blaze: O.O Hey!! Darryl, there you are! You wanted us to take you to the park right?

Darryl: Mark already took stop trying to make me your escape goat.

Jace: Guess that makes Darryl the sensible siblin'~

Desmond: Pffft no...she's just....being influenced by Mark. MARK STOP STEALING OUR SISTER!!

Mark: *smirks as he carries a box of supplies past* No promises...Yo ..nice butt bro! XP


Mark: Sorry I couldn't help myself. XP

Jace: =___________________________=

Blaze: O.O Kbird's coming back!..Everyone...act innocent.

Jace: *grumbles*


Lilly and Rhett in the steam room scene

Lilly: *waiting for Rhett and looking over the script* Holy sh**! He's just going to be in a towel?! 0////0 And I'm supposed to act like that's normal or something?

Rhett: *steps out in said towel* Or we can improvise an x-rated scene for the bonus features. XD It feels weird to keep my eye closed, though...even more then the eyepatch does. >____>

Lilly: .......Ca-can we just skip this all together? >.<"

Rhett: Isn't that the director's call...? *looks to Kbird for judgement*

Kbird: Nothing inappropriate continue.

Lilly: Yet....

Rhett: *shrugs* What line should we start at?

Lilly: Maybe the we should start at the "get your ridiculously muscley self over here, big boy~?"

Kbird: =_____= That is not a line.

Rhett: But it should be~ ;P

Lilly: Or you could start singing "I'm sexy and I know it!" XD

Kbird: Do I need to get your extra to do this Lilly?

Rhett: *to Lilly* For the bloopers~ XD

Lilly: Exactly!! XD

Rhett: But we kind of have a deadline for the actual scene...

Kbird: Yay, one of you /can/ be reasonable. Let's get started.

Lilly: TT~TT If we must...

Rhett: Looks like we've already wasted 30 minutes of shooting time... Break time~ *snaps fingers at a passing stagehand* Yo! Is Jojo's still selling those spicy pepper pizza bites?

Lilly: Oh and those corn bites?!

Stagehand: Think so.

Rhett: *to Lilly* Just let me get clothed real quick and we'll head on down. *to Kbird as he heads back into the dressing room* See you in an hour or so, director-lady~

Lilly: Kay! =D

Kbird: *hitting head against wall before raising finger* Bring me back some corn bites too!

Rhett: Will do~ *shuts door to get dressed*

*The scene when Haniko, Yuki and Numori meet Luki, and Numori starts flying with Haniko*

Haniko: =D I CAN FLY!!

Luki: *looking all serious until hears that* pffft...oh,oh sing somewhere over the rainbow! XD

Numori: *sighs* Really Luki, this is no time for jokes!

Luki: *trying to stop* i-i can't help it! So sorry. XD

Numori: Shall we try this again then?

Yuki & Luki: ^_^ can we get a hug first~?

Numori: Yes. *hugs them both*

Yuki: *hugs back before letting go*

Luki *picks her up in a hug* ughh...I hate that I have to yell at you! Its not right! Lilly talk some sense into my character.

Lilly: ..not in the script..but okay..

Numori: *giggles* I don't like it either.

Luki: then we'll finishes this later~

Numori: Finish what, this scene?

Luki: yep~ *starts carrying her away bridle style, Haniko in toe.*

Yuki: *blinks* ..but..where supposed to be working...

Numori: L-Luki, we're supposed to be doing a scene.

Luki: can wait...>____>

Numori: Fine, but just this once.

~Problem solved~

"They said they'd come back-" Jay started before stopping to let Edgar show up.

Edgar appears and stumbles into David accidently knocking him into the portal."Sh**! ..ummm well at least we'll know if people can come back alive right?"

Username (or number or email):


2013-11-26 [Kbird]: XD yep!

2013-11-26 [ancienteye]: XP

2014-03-05 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD I guess Actor!Haniko isn't afraid of heights?

2014-03-05 [Kbird]: Nope. She's afraid of large amounts of water.

2014-03-08 [Kbird]: XD they're cute

2015-08-02 [ancienteye]: A couple of these are still ongoing. :o

2015-08-25 [Kbird]: @.@ you're right

2015-08-28 [ancienteye]: Yikes. XD

2015-09-01 [Kbird]: sooooo much to do

2015-09-01 [ancienteye]: So, so much.

2015-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: So lost. lol

2015-09-01 [ancienteye]: XD

2015-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: any ongoing with my characters?

2015-09-01 [ancienteye]: ...Do you play Ciel?

2015-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Uh.... Honestly I don't remember.

2015-09-01 [ancienteye]: Oh...

2015-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sorry. lol

2016-07-31 [Kbird]: Ciel is Crimons, I'm sooooo sorry I've been away...I knew I've said this a lot but I've had a lot on my plate.

2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ciel!

2016-08-01 [Kbird]: Yes Ciel.

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: XD

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